Wednesday 2 December 2015

Life Update

Hello! It's been a few weeks, i've been so so busy and haven't had any time at all to even think about writing something. So here's a little update on my life and what's happening;

1) I've dropped out of sixth form; Ok, so it's not as bad as it sounds. If anyone read my last (first) post you'd know that i'm currently retaking year 12, however after many many months of constant thinking and talking to a wide range of people i have come to the decision that A Levels/ sixth form are just not for me. I feel i have matured over the past few months, in the sense that i know what's best for me and i know that by the time my exams come around again i'm just going to be a complete mess so i'm deciding to just leave now. But don't worry i'm not completely out of education! I have a place at a new college where i start next September, so i'll actually be 2 years behind, but this is what i want to do and i'm feeling so motivated to make this work!

2) I have a part time job!; So leading on from that, i actually started a part time job as a nursery assistant at the beginning of October, and now that i've left school i'll be working there quite a lot until next September so i can earn myself some money and also so i'm not just lying around eating junk food and getting fat for the next 9 months hahaha!

2) New food December;
Now stating the obvious... IT'S DECEMBER!!! I can't believe how quickly it's came around this year, it comes by so much quicker each year i'm genuinely starting to feel so old, but i'm still 100% in the festive spirit and cant wait for the big build up; which is obviously the best bit! Then the second best bit is of course the boxing day sales, can't wait to get spending! Any ways, not that anyone on here knows me in real life, but ill give you a little insight into my life, i am probably the most fussiest eater you will ever know/hear of, and i don't exaggerate that, i mean it and i'm so terrible. I eat so unhealthily and don't eat any fruit or veg regularly (i know, shoot me). I'd say it's because i just 'don't like foods' because that would be a lie, i'm just scared to try foods, but i've came up with a plan for myself to try 1 new food/meal every day of December! Yesterday i tried a sausage sandwich, which i actually loved surprisingly! And then today i tried spaghetti bolognese, which i also loved. So far so good, i might write an update at the end of the month on this, i'll see how it goes!

That's pretty much all i've got to write about today, i hope it hasn't been too much of a bore i just needed to update on everything that's happened! As i will have much more free time now i can blog much more hopefully and get into it! Thanks for taking the time to read and enjoy your week!

K x

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Hello blogging world

So I'm sat here staring at my laptop screen, as I have been for the past 20 minutes wondering what the hell to write. So I guess I start with an introduction? I'm Katie, 17 years old (18 next month WOO) and I'm currently studying my AS level retakes in sixth form. I've dabbled in blogging a LOT in the past, I've had more blogs and email accounts to go with them blogs than you could even imagine, but I am a very big perfectionist, and none of the previous blogs have lived up to my expectations so I just delete them and start a new one, which I know is not helpful at all. I've always loved writing I suppose, I've kept countless amounts of journals since I was about 10 on and off, although I'm not the best with my grammar and use of words, I'm not very formal at all, although I do try to be when I write, I still love to do it which is why I'm hoping this will be my final blog I create, and I'm praying it meets my high standards haha.

So as I wrote before I'm currently in sixth form re-sitting year 12 as I kind of wasted last year and didn't take sixth form seriously at all. I mean i came out with a B and a D but to me that wasn't good enough, I wanted better grades and I knew I wouldn't settle for anything less than a C, so I chose to retake the year, currently doing Media Studies, English Language and EPQ. Which means next year I am supposed to be going into my final year of sixth form, year 13 to complete my A2's...

However after many many months of thinking and attempted planning of my future, I have decided I'm not going to go to university and I am currently trying to plan/come up with ideas of how I'm going to start my life. It is my life dream to travel, as I'm sure it's many others' too. Australia and America are the big goals, and I know one day I will get there, I just also know it's going to be hard work and expensive, but I'm prepared for that.

 I will write more posts about my updated plans on this every couple of months I think, I will just wait and see what grades I get in school and if any miraculous travelling opportunities come up, and then  will decide, I know I have a whole lifetime ahead of me so there't not necessarily any rush.

That's all for my first post I guess, I don't want to make it too long that it scares people off and no one comes back to my blog hehe. I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to write about but maybe just whenever i feel a bit of writing inspiration or i need a small rant or something, I'm not too sure. But I love fashion/arts and am a big DIY/decorator fan and I am just recently getting into fitness and trying to build a healthier lifestyle so maybe that's what I will write about! We will see, anyway, goodbye for now.

Lots of love
K x